Of course, no place is ordinary. Even Station Park, Forfar on a dank Saturday afternoon isn't really ordinary. Even when it's closed...
This web site offers photographic images for consideration, for amusement, and for sale if you like them. Some of the subject matter is ordinary, some less so - it's really up to you what rattles your cage. The site will always be under development, but please feel free to browse.
If you want to get in touch with the bloke holding the camera, please use the details on the Contact page. If you want to buy prints, email or whatsapp us using the same Contacts details (prices range from £25 to £75 for archival Giclée paper prints, and you can have a mahoosive canvas print for a paltry £65...).
You can also follow An Ordinary Place on Facebook and Instagram - just click on the relevant icons in the page footer.
I hope you find something interesting in An Ordinary Place.